Sunday, September 13, 2020

Warzone Studios' Double-Sided Mat

Warzone Studio Double-Sided Mat Box

I've got a lot of miniatures.  If you get a LOT of miniatures, you'll want lots of terrain for them to chillax and party on.  Just kidding, they are going to die horrifically, but you still want it to look nice.  Cue the wave of neoprene mats we've seen in the last few years!

Warzone Studio Double-Sided Mat in the Bag

The wonders never cease.  Warzone Studio has double-sided neoprene mats available, so I was eager to see what they had going on.  I had two different terrain sets I was looking to secure new mats for.    Lucky me, I could put a 'green' and a 'brown' mat down for the price of just one.  It was exactly what I was looking for, since at present I only have space for one table at a time. 

Warzone Studio Double-Sided Mat

The mats, 'Deserted Heart' and 'Homeland', replace two of our old club mats which have gone on to fight fights at another member's home.  I hadn't had a mat for the old terrain sets in a while, and now I'll be able to show them off here...and maybe the restoration of a few pieces.

Warzone Studio Double-Sided Mat Deserted Heart
Side A - Deserted Heart
Sand.  It gets everywhere.  You hate it.

Warzone Studio Double-Sided Mat Homeland
Side B - Homeland
Every time I get one of these, I'm stunned at the detail.  Each one seems more detailed and higher resolution than the last.  Glorious.

Warzone Studio Double-Sided Mat Lich-Gettin'
"I came all the way out here and you STILL won't let me be?" sayeth the lich.
Having a look at some of the other mats available these days makes me a little more confident to try some seriously weird bases on miniatures.  I'm looking at making purple a viable and good-looking terrain set...and I think it's going to work.  Standing on a mat that compliments those bases makes even cheap miniatures look great.

Warzone Studio Double-Sided Mat Pegasus-ry.
Technically these miniatures have bases.

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