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Never undress in a room with a window ...a Harper may be near. |
The base of your faction's power is here, goodly folk! The time has come to defend the alliance's main staging areas and leadership centers. Only the very best of our soldiers will be deployed here.
Indeed, these battles will be hard fought and bitter. Beware your enemy's guile when they come to fight here, for it is now late in the war and time grows short for both sides. Know that your sacrifices here work toward the good and betterment of all, so hold fast your nerves.
Tier 3 - Strongholds of Good

The Stronghold of the Harpers during the Nether War, the small hamlet of Jalanthar has been reinforced by a small regiment of soldiers. It has been relatively peaceful until recently, and the enemy will certainly wish to dismantle the support structure here. Protecting the civilians is paramount if fighting breaks out, and if we are defeated here it will greatly affect the morale of the entire alliance.
- Scenario 1 - Approach to Jalanthar
- D&D Attack Wing, 150 Legion Points
- Setup: Standard
- Objectives: Place an Objective Token in the center of the board. The Good player places two Objective Markers anywhere in his deployment zone more than range 3 from another Objective Marker. These represent strategic points that must be controlled in order to get into the hamlet.
- Resolution: The battle is over at the end of any turn when either Legion loses models totaling at least 100 points. The Evil player must control at least one Objective in order to clear this scenario. An Objective Token is controlled by a Legion that has a unit within Range 1 of the Token, and no Enemy is within Range 2. The number of tokens controlled at the end of the game will contribute to the next scenario.
- Scenario 2 - In the Dead of Night
- D&D Miniatures, 120 Point Skirmish
- Quick Strike (85 point threshold)
- Scenario 3 - Assault on Jalanthar
- D&D Attack Wing, 200 Legion Points
- Setup: Standard. This battle takes place high above Jalanthar at night, so only flying creatures can take part in this battle. For each Objective Marker controlled at the end of Scenario 1, each player gets a 10% bonus to their Legion points.
- Objectives: Each player nominates one model as his General. The game is over when one side loses their General.
- Resolution: At the end of the turn in which a General is killed, count up Victory Points as follows. Each model destroyed is worth it's total Legion points, and each model with Hit Point damage is worth half. Models with only damaged Armor are not worth any points. The General is worth +25 Victory Points. The side with the highest total wins.
- Scenario 4 - Street Fighting
- D&D Miniatures, 150 Point Skirmish
- Plunder Run
When this base is cleared, the following boons are granted in the next scenarios:
- D&D Attack Wing - The Evil Player receives two No Attack Tokens, which can be assigned to any model / unit at the beginning of the turn at the end of the Manuever phase.
- D&D Miniatures - The Evil Player may make a Move action with up to half the models in his force at the beginning of the game, just before the first turn.

The Lost Peaks are rarely traveled by outsiders, due to their remote location and mysterious inhabitants. It is here that the druids of the Emerald Enclave meet to coordinate with their members all over the North.
- Scenario 1 - Scouting the Mountains
- D&D Attack Wing, 150 Legion Points
- Setup: Players can deploy up to Range 2 in opposite corners of the map, up to half the board edge in either direction. Take 9 Objective Tokens and put them in a pile to the side of the play area. At the beginning of each Evil player turn, remove an Objective Token from the pile.
- Objectives: Divide the map into quadrants. For each quadrant that contains a unit from the Evil side and no Good models, the Evil player gains 1 VP. To win the game, the Evil player must score 2 or more VP. The game is over at the end of the turn when the Evil player removes the last Objective Token.
- Resolution: For each VP scored by the Evil player, the Evil force receives one Scout Token during Scenario 3.
- Scenario 2 - Ryth's Precipice
- D&D Miniatures, 120 point Skirmish
- Reconnaissance in Force
- Scenario 3 - Where Dragons Dare
- D&D Attack Wing, 200 Legion Points
- Setup: At the beginning of the game, each player places one model / unit in each of his two corners up to Range 1 from both table edges. Place an Objective Token in the center of the board, representing the circle of stones. At the beginning of each subsequent turn, each player can place a unit with it's base touching his table edge. These models then place their dials during the Maneuver phase as normal.
- Objectives: The winner is the player with the most units within Range 2 of the Objective at the end of the game. In case of a tie, the Good player wins.
- Resolution: The game is over when one player loses models equal to 150 Legion Points.
- Scout Tokens: The Evil player will have Scout Tokens granted from Scenario 1. These can be used to either:
- Deploy an additional unit anywhere along the board edge at the start of the game. Only ONE Scout Token can be spent in this way.
- Make a (2) Maneuver at the end of any turn. Only ONE Scout Token can be spent in this way per turn.
- Scenario 4 - Battle at the Circle
- D&D Miniatures, 150 point Skirmish
- Magic Statues
When this base is cleared, the following boons are granted in the next scenarios:
- D&D Attack Wing - The Evil Player may add or remove 1 Duration Token to any card, model or effect in play. This may be done once for each instance of each effect.
- D&D Miniatures - The Evil Player receives 3 Onslaught Tokens at the beginning of the game. An Onslaught Token can be used during a models' activation to generate a normal attack in addition to any other actions taken by that model. Only one Onslaught Token can be used by any single model in a turn.
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